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Commemorative Medals

Unique and special medals. 

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Commemorative Medals

Immerse yourself in distinction and elegance with our commemorative medals, an exceptional creation of a talented Mexican sculptor and goldsmith with more than 20 years of experience, part of the fifth generation of the prestigious Lopez Dynasty. These medals represent the fusion of artistic tradition with innovation, capturing significant moments in timeless bronze pieces.


Each commemorative medal is forged with precision and mastery, using traditional bronze casting techniques that have been passed down through generations. The quality craftsmanship ensures not only an object of recognition, but a lasting and meaningful work of art.


From corporate events to special ceremonies, we offer a variety of custom designs to suit the occasion. Whether you're looking for a classic and refined medal or something more contemporary and bold, our collection of designs offers versatile and customizable options.


To make each medal a unique and memorable piece, we offer custom engraving services. Names, dates, special messages; every detail is immortalized in bronze, adding a personal touch that transforms the medal into a cherished treasure.

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